Feldene (Piroxicam) 10mg, 20mg

Last updated on April 18th, 2024

Where to Buy Feldene without a prescription?

We do not recommend buying Feldene (Piroxicam) without a prescription. Before ordering Feldene (Piroxicam) online from our sponsor’s pharmacy store, we suggest you consult a doctor. In addition to offering top-quality products at discounted prices, they provide quick worldwide delivery and an extensive product selection.

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Alternative Names for Feldene

Piroxicam is approved worldwide and is available under various brand names, including Ainek, Algoxam, Anartrit, Androxicam, Anflene, Antiflog, Apo-piroxicam, Apopiran, Arlexicam, Arthremin, Artinor, Artragil, Artrigesic, Artritin, Artroxicam, Artyflam, Arudein, Asabon, Atidem, Axis, Axtrim, Bapixied, Baxo, Benisan, Bioximil, Bleduran, Boues, Brexecam, Brexic, Brexicam, Brexidol, Brexin, Brexine, Brexinil, Brexivel, Brexodin, Brionot, Brucam, Bruxicam, Calmapir, Calmopyrol, Campirex, Candyl, Cicladol, Cicladol L, Ciclafast, Ciclofast, Citoken T, Clevian, Conzila, Cycladol, Dekamega, Dexicam, Dixonal, Doblexan, Docpiroxi, Dolonex, Dolzycam, Drafton, Edecam, Erazon, Errekam, Euroxi, Exipan, Fabopxicam, Fabudol, Facicam, Farmicam, Farmoxicam, Farxican, Fasax, Felcam, Feldanax, Feldegel, Felden, Feldenedi, Feldex, Feldexican, Feldox, Feldran, Felnan, Felxicam, Fensaid, Fexicam, Fidinor, Finalgel, Flamadene, Flamalit, Flamarene, Flamexin, Flamostat, Flexar, Flexase, Flexirox, Flodeneu, Flodol, Flogene, Flogobene, Flogocan, Flogosan, Flogosine, Flogostil, Flogoxen, Floxicam, Focam, Geldene, Geldène, Glandicin, Grecotens, Hawksone, Homocalmefyba, Hotemin, Huma-Pirocam, Improntal, Infeld, Inflaced, Inflamase-N, Inflamene, Inflamex, Inflanan, Inflanox, Inflax, Ipsoflog, Jenapirox, Ketazon, Kifadene, Kyumate, Lampoflex, Lanareuma, Licofel, Lisedema, Lubor, Luboreta, Lumeleem, Macroxam, Maxipiro, Maxtol, Micar, Mobilat Akut “Piroxicam”, Mobilis, Monidem, Movon, Mtefel, Nac, Nalgesic, Neo Axedil, Neogel, Nilvo, Nirox, Novo-Pirocam, Nu-Pirox, Oksikam, Olcam, Orthocam, Osteocalmine, Osteral, Oxi-Reul, Oxicam, Oxicanol, Oximezin, Painoxam, Painrelipt-D, Painrelipt-d, Palpasin, Parixam, Pedifan, Pemar, Perfarin, Pericam, Pioparu, Pipethanen, Piram d, Piram-D, Piricam, Pirkam, Piro, Piro KD, Piro kd, Piro-Phlogont, Piro-Puren, Piroalgin, Pirobec, Pirobeta, Pirocam, Pirocaps, Pirocreat, Pirodax, Pirofel, Pirofix, Piroflam, Piroflex, Piroftal, Pirogreen, Pirohexal-D, Pirokiparl, Pirom, Piromav, Piromax, Piromed, Pironet, Pirorheum, PirorheumA, Pirorheuma, Pirosol, Pirox, Pirox-Spondyril, Pirox-ct, Piroxal, Piroxam, Piroxan, Piroxen, Piroxene, Piroxicalm, Piroxicamum, Piroxifar, Piroxifen, Piroxiflam, Piroxigea, Piroxil, Piroxim, Piroximerck, Piroxin, Piroxinid, Piroxiplus, Piroxistad, Piroxitop, Piroxsal, Piroxymed, Pivaloxicam, Pixicam, Pixorid, Polipirox, Polydene, Pra-Brexidol, Pricam, Pro-Roxikam, Pro-roxikam, Prodoxidil, Proponol, Proxalyoc, Proxican, Proxigen, Pyrcost, Pyrocaps, Pyrodex, R-Tyflam, Remisil, Remoxicam, Reucam, Reudene, Reufel, Reumador, Reumagil, Reumaplus, Reumoxican, Reutricam, Rexicam, Rexil, Rheudene, Rheugesic, Rheumaplus, Rheumitin, Rhumagel, Riacen, Ripox, Rogal, Rokso, Rosiden, Rosig, Roxam, Roxazin, Roxene, Roxenil, Roxicam, Roxiden, Roxidene, Roxifen, Roxikam, Roxim, Roxitan, Ruvamed, Salcacam, Salvacam, Samaruc, Sasulen, Sasulen topico, Scandene, Sefdene, Serpicam, Sinartrol, Sindrolen, Solicam, Solocalm, Sotilen, Spirox, Stopen, Suganril, Tetram, Tirovel, Toricam gel, Tricifa, Tripirol, Trixicam, Truxa, Truxa R, Unicam, Unidene, Uphaxicam, Valopon, Vatrem, Vefren, Velaned, Verand, Veries, Vitaxicam, Xycam, Zacam, Zelis, Zen, Zerospasm, Zitumex, Zofora, Zunden, clinit, durapirox, ratioMobil.

United States of America
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Uses and Indications of Feldene

The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication Feldene is prescribed to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis (OA) and reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).


Administration & Dosage

Depending on each patient’s unique treatment objectives, use the lowest effective dosage for the shortest time. The recommended dose is usually 20 mg once daily for both OA and RA.

Dosage forms and strengths: 10 mg and 20 mg of Feldene (piroxicam) capsules.


  • Hypersensitivity to piroxicam or any other ingredient in the medication.
  • A history of allergic responses, such as urticaria or asthma, following aspirin or other NSAID use.
  • When undergoing CABG surgery.


Cautions and Warnings 

  • Hepatotoxicity: Your doctor will tell you about hepatotoxicity symptoms and warning indicators. If abnormal liver tests continue, get worse, or if liver disease symptoms and signs appear clinically, stop taking the medication.
  • Hypertension: Patients receiving certain antihypertensive medicines may experience a reduced response to NSAIDs when using them. Observe your blood pressure.
  • Heart Failure and Edema: Patients with severe heart failure should not use Feldene unless the advantages are anticipated to outweigh the danger of their condition getting worse.
  • Renal Toxicity: Monitor renal function in those suffering from hypovolemia, heart failure, dehydration, or hepatic or renal impairment. Patients with advanced renal illness should not use Feldene unless the benefits are anticipated to outweigh the risk of decreasing renal function.
  • Anaphylactic Reactions: In case of an anaphylactic reaction, seek emergency help.
  • Asthma Exacerbation Associated with Aspirin Sensitivity: Patients with asthma sensitive to aspirin should not take Feldene.
  • Severe Skin Responses: Stop using Feldene as soon as a skin rash or other hypersensitivity symptoms emerge.
  • Drug Reaction with Systemic Symptoms and Eosinophilia (DRESS): Stop and do a clinical evaluation.
  • Hazard to the Fetus: Owing to the possibility of oligohydramnios or fetal renal impairment, during the first 20 to 30 weeks of pregnancy, avoid using NSAIDs, especially Feldene. Because of the dangers of oligohydramnios/fetal renal impairment and premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus, women should refrain from using NSAIDs starting at about 30 weeks gestation and continuing throughout their pregnancy.
  • Hematologic Toxicity: Whenever a patient exhibits any indications or symptoms of anemia, check their hemoglobin or hematocrit.
  • NSAIDs have been linked to infertility. Take into account stopping Feldene in women who experience infertility.


Adverse Reactions

The most frequent adverse events (occurring more than 2% of the time in clinical studies) were headaches, nausea, constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, dizziness, rash, and edema. 

Drug Interactions 

  • Medications that disrupt hemostasis, such as aspirin, warfarin, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)/serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), etc.: When patients use Feldene together with medications that affect hemostasis, watch for bleeding. Taking Feldene with analgesic doses of aspirin is generally not advised concurrently. 
  • Beta-blockers, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), and ACE enzyme inhibitors: When used with Feldene, these medications’ antihypertensive effects may be lessened. Observe your blood pressure.
  • Diuretics: The natriuretic effects of furosemide and thiazide diuretics can be lessened by NSAIDs. Observe patients to ensure that diuretics are effective, considering any antihypertensive effects.
  • Digoxin: Using Feldene concurrently with digoxin can raise serum levels and extend its half-life. Track your blood levels of digoxin.
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