The remedy is one of the treatments belonging to the group of non-steroidal antiestrogen. The drug stimulates ovulation in women who have infertility diagnosis, helping to conceive a child. For men, it is also used to improve insemination during intercourse.
Mens health
About 70% of men, as evidenced by medical statistics suffer from chronic prostatitis. The fact is that one does not have to be a permanent patient of urologist in order to protect himself from this disease. If follow the medical terminology, prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. But this is too simplistic for an answer for such an unpleasant and sometimes debilitating disease.
It must be said that prostatitis is not always curable, but the relief of symptoms can be achieved. Furthermore, it should reassure readers: the diseased one is not contagious and can be sexually active, not being scared for the health of his partner.
Prostatitis is a common name of the disease, which can be acute or chronic. The reasons that cause it are bacterial and non-bacterial ones.
Both acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis are associated with infections of the urinary tract. Acute bacterial prostatitis comes suddenly and is accompanied by fever, general malaise, and such symptoms as blood in the urine, pain in the abdomen and perineum, burning, sharp urgency or difficulty urinating.
Today we can here more and more talks about one of the most common ailments for men – prostate cancer.
To identify the unique cause of the disease is very difficult. It is rather a consequence of the biological processes of aging.
- Regularly have sex. Sex is a great way to prevent prostatitis.
- However, do not change partners as gloves. Promiscuity in sexual intercourse can only damage the prostate.
- Lead active lifestyle. If your work involves sitting, get up frequently from your sit, take a walk for 10-15 minutes in the fresh air at lunchtime.
- Avoid hypothermia.
- Eat less spicy, smoked food and do not drink a lot of alcohol and coffee (although, 2-3 cups of coffee a day will not harm).
Many men mistakenly believe that at their young age, they do not have any problems with potency all at the highest level, that they do everything in perfect order, and no disease is threatening. Unfortunately, this is not true. Because many diseases begin very quietly they can occur without any obvious symptoms.
For example, acute prostatitis may begin quite suddenly. A man can experience fever, significantly increased temperature of his body, he can feel the sharp pain in the groin area, difficulty with urination, frequently painful and agonizing. It is possible that a man may get bloody discharge from the penis. But as a rule, prostatitis develops into the chronic form, and the man feels quite normal and may not even realize that he has problems. Body temperature is normal, no fever, so there is no reason for his concern. But this is not the case.
There are three basic symptom by which one can distinguish male disease. Violation of urination. Men urinate very frequently, even if he had recently visited the rest-room. In this case, a person may experience some pain and itching when urinating. Another symptom may be a sharp pain in the groin area. Finally, there may be a violation of the sexual function. Most often premature or rapid ejaculation takes place. So many men are beginning to worry about the fact that the prostate inevitably leads to impotence. But in fact, erectile dysfunction and chronic prostatitis are the two different and distinct diseases, not related to each other.
In any case, if you notice one of the possible symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention. Men’s illness must be treated immediately and without delay. Remember that every man is obliged to attend annual andrologist and undergo necessary tests for diagnosis of the organism. It is especially important to attend andrologist if you are above 30. And after 40 you must also do ultrasound of the prostate.
The group of so-called diseases of the male is quite a wide range of pathological conditions that require professional consults with urologist.
Experts note that such diseases as impotence, prostatitis, and infertility are very frequent companions of men. Men’s diseases are often the result of negligent attitude of patients to their health. Very often, men come to the experts for help, when the disease is in pretty poor stage. To avoid this, you need to have regular checkups. Highly skilled professionals, experienced doctors, and nurses will carefully and tactfully give you a medical help.
Men who have reached the age of forty need each year to consult specialists for the prevention of primarily diseases of the prostate. As a man over fifty, you must also carry out routine inspection for prostate cancer and prostate hyperplasia. Timely identification and competent treatment of this disease will allow you to maintain viability, quality of life for many years, and sometimes life itself.
If the men’s partner cannot get pregnant for quite a long time- it is also a pretext for men to be screened for diseases. According to statistics, today, the causes of infertility among couples are the same frequency of the disease in male and female reproductive systems.
For male diseases include:
- Adenoma of prostate
- balanoposthitis
- vesicles
- Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
- Colliculate
- Male Infertility
- Orchitis
- Prostatitis
- Urethritis
- Cystitis
- Epididymitis