Rhinocort Inhaler – for what diseases it is used. Benefits of using budesonide by inhalation. When transferring patients to therapy with the Rhinocort inhaler from other inhalers, the treatment regimen should be selected individually.
Treatment of allergic diseases is rather complex and consists of several stages: therapeutic and preventive measures, treatment of an acute process, and basic therapy. The success in treatment can be achieved only by paying enough attention to each of the phases of treatment.
Treatment of allergic diseases in addition to treatment and prevention involves symptomatic and pathogenetic therapies. One of the basic antiallergic drugs for the treatment of allergic diseases is a blocker of H1-histamine receptors. It is widely used in anti-allergy practice and plays the most important role of histamine – the main mediator of allergic reactions. Three generations of these drugs are known today. Preparations of II (cetirizine, loratadine, Ebastine, etc.) and III (fexofenadine, desloratadine) generations have several advantages over drugs of I generation due to their high selectivity, duration of therapeutic effect and having no side effects of (sedation, anticholinergic effects, tachyphylaxis, etc.)
In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis ketotifen is also used, which in addition to antihistamine effect has a stabilizing effect on mast cell membrane. The oral form of nedocromil sodium is used to treat food allergies.
As a drug that increases the ability of serum to bind histamine, gistaglobulin is widely used which is a combined preparation of normal human immunoglobulin and histamine hydrochloride. During the treatment, the level of gistaglobulins antihistamine antibodies increases, therefore reducing the response to histamine and decreasing its release from mast cells.
During the treatment of bronchial asthma antagonists of ß2-adrenergic receptors are used. They can be of two types – of short-lasting (salbutamol, terbutaline, fenoterol) and long-lasting (salmeterol, formoterol, clenbuterol) effect. Drugs of this group reduce spasms of smooth muscles of the bronchi and secretion. Antagonists of ß – and ß2-receptors respectively are non-selective and therefore may have a negative effect on the heart muscle. Theophylline, used to treat asthma, has bronchodilatory and expectorant properties, and positively influence the contractility of the respiratory muscles.
Allergy is a condition of heightened sensitivity of the living organism, in relation to a particular substances (allergens) that develops with repeated exposures. The physiological mechanism of allergy is the formation of antibodies, which leads to a decreasing or increasing of its sensitivity. Allergy is manifested by strong irritation of the mucous membranes, skin rashes, general malaise, etc.
Allergic disease is the overreaction of the body in response to environmental factors that are taken by them as potentially dangerous (even if they are not ).
The mechanism of the immune response is very complex. It includes the production of antibodies, which are the “defenders” of the body. The task of antibodies is to neutralize the invading agent (so-called “antigens”). Theoretically, any immune reaction should be successful. But sometimes the immune system “exceeds its authority,” and loses control; it begins to respond to a completely harmless substance as the dangerous one. This leads to the destructive overreaction (allergies).
In order to restore the immune system, the most important first step is the cleansing the body. The program includes cleansing cleaning of the liver with 25 specially selected herbs. Purified liver restores its function, leads to the regular metabolism in the body, and neutralizes toxins that circulate in the blood.
Another component to treat allergies is a hardware-bowel cleansing – colonohydrotherapy. Scientific evidence shows that 95% of pathological conditions are associated with disturbances in the gut. The pathology of the large intestine begins with the lung channel suffering which leads to skin rashes and itching.
Allergy is a accelerated graft rejection of foreign substances by immune system to. These foreign substance are called allergens and often are not harmful. The main factor of allergy is a dysfunction of the immune system resulting from genetic predisposition and adverse environmental impact.
If you have close relatives who suffer from allergies of any type, then there is a high probability that you have inherited an increased response to contact with the allergen. Today on the market of drugs there are many drugs designed to fight manifestations of allergy. Drugs are different by price and by effects on the body.
The main tools that reduce the severity of allergies include antihistamines. These drugs compete with histamine – a substance that causes inflammation of allergy. Antihistamines are used to treat allergic rhinitis and itching dermatoses. Previously, this group of drugs caused drowsiness, but now they do not have this effect. Today, they are the best means for the treatment of allergy symptoms.
Drugs affecting the release of mediators of allergy, is used to treat asthma, rhinitis and conjunctivitis. They act only prophylactically, so they are only applied to the development of acute, often quite long.
Sometimes corticosteroids gives good effect (adrenal cortex hormone derivatives of cortisone), because they have a specific anti-allergic effect. Corticosteroids are the hormones that are commonly used in severe cases. They hinder the development of inflammation in allergic reactions. For example, bronchodilators widen bronchial wall to ease breathing during an asthma attack.
Atarax is used before and after general anesthesia to fight worry and angst in patients and has a calming effect. The medication can also be used to treat allergic reactions, such as hives, rash, itching, and other allergic dermatologic symptoms, to specific allergens like poison ivy. For further medical reasons, your physician or another healthcare professional may prescribe Atarax.